Ensure your funds work as hard as you do. Earn competitive interest on your checking balance, while saving time and money with free services.
Key Features
Competitive Interest*
Free Digital Banking
- Earns competitive interest*
- Detailed monthly statement
- Free extra large image statement binder
- $8.99 monthly maintenance fee
- Affordable per-item fees:
- $0.20 each ACH debit paid
- $0.35 each deposit and other debits
- $0.102, $0.122, $0.152 per item charges on checks deposited, depending on type
- Free Visa® business debit card with UChoose Rewards
- Free business digital banking, including:
- Online banking
- Mobile banking
- eStatements
- Additional business services available
- Free telephone banking
- Free mobile wallet services available
- $1,500 minimum deposit to open
This account is available to nonprofits and sole proprietorships.
*Bank determined interest is earned on the average daily balance after regular commercial account fees are assessed.
Commercial Customer Notification - FNB is required to enforce a prohibition by federal law, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 (UIGEA). If you bank with us, you agree not to engage in illegal Internet Gambling. If you do so, we may deny access to various payment methods, close your account or take other action necessary to comply with UIGEA.