We care about our community.
We know there is more to life than just money. That is why building relationships and serving others is so important to the entire team at FNB Community Bank. We believe that when we invest in our community, everyone wins.
Over the years, FNB has donated funds to a multitude of worthwhile community organizations and events. Recent notable contributions include:
- Rose State College Foundation
- Mid-Del Public Schools
- Mid-Del Food Pantry
- Leah’s Hope
- Christmas For Others

FNB Community Bank employees regularly share their time and talents in the community. From membership in civic groups like Rotary Club and Junior Service League, to leadership in organizations like the Mid-Del Food Pantry Board and Rose State College Foundation, our employees care about their hometowns. Employees often participate in community events like Relay For Life, Veterans Day parade, Trick or Treat City, MWC’s Daddy Daughter Dance, and many more.
Volunteering is so important to us, we even started our own Community Volunteer Program, or CVP for short. Through our CVP, employees have the opportunity to earn paid time off to reward their time spent volunteering in the community. We are always adding events to our CVP calendar, so if your organization is in need of volunteers, please email jwaddle@fnbmwc.com or complete this form to request volunteers.

Your business is our mission.
We are big fans of small business. And we put our money where our mouth is by hosting #FNBCashMob events. A #FNBCashMob functions much like a flash mob, but instead of dancing and singing, consumers spend money as a group at a local business. Cash mobs are a fun and exciting way to shop local and spark an economic stimulus for one of our small business/commercial customers. Helping small, local businesses thrive is one of the very reasons we, FNB Community Bank, exist.

FNB Community Bank also recognizes the hardworking side-hustlers in our community through our #SideHustleSeries. Aside from assisting our customers financially, we also love to help promote and market their businesses to our audience on social media. Each #SideHustleSeries featured business receives a blog post and social media posts about their side hustle/business, as well as the opportunity to set up a table, showcasing their product (if applicable), at one of our branches. Would you like us to feature your side hustle or small business? Fill out this form to sign up!